SH-3H from HS-17 "Neptune's Raiders", passing aft of the Abe Lincoln, during one of the squadron's final cruises. Thanks to Ray Travis for the photo.
Sikorsky SH-3H Sea King
The SH-3H was the previous generation's antisubmarine helo, now replaced by the Seahawk series. Equipped with a variable depth dipping sonar, sonobuoys, and magnetic anomaly detection (MAD) gear, the SH-3 was well equipped for hunting submarines. It also served in the role of search-and-rescue (SAR), picking up pilots in the water. For this reason, the SH-3 was known as the "Angel."
Carrierborne squadrons have already transitioned to the SH-60/HH-60H combination, and the SH-3H is now completely retired from carrier decks. The familiar sight of the Angel will be missed, however.
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